Ni opc server tutorial
Ni opc server tutorial

ni opc server tutorial

On the first virtual machine I have a PLCsim and a NetToPLCsim, the PLCsim and the network have the same IP address and I have found the in the NetToPLCsim and have them started, the PG/PC interface is set to PLCsim TCP/IP. Hi, I did the configuration you explained using two virtual machines and I can ping one from the another. In that document I use the option to add a second IP address to your interface, but you can simply change the IP address. I've written a document of how to setup a simulation with Simatic Net OPC server and Plcsim/Nettoplcsim (file SimaticNet-OPC-mit-Nettoplcsim.pdf), but it's only in german available: If in your example the computer with Plcsim/Nettoplcsim has the IP, then in your NetPro Setup, the PLC which is the destination of the S7connection you hav configured must have the IP If you want to connect the Simatic Net OPC server to Plcsim/Nettoplcsim, you must run them on different computers (or use a virtual machine). I don't know why, but the Siemens OPC server does not like this, with other OPC servers this is no problem.

ni opc server tutorial

Running Simatic.Net OPC server and Plcsim/Nettoplcsim on the same PC does not work, as the OPC server then has to connect to the machine where it is running (localhost).

Ni opc server tutorial